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20 Best I Just Want to Be Happy Quotes

I Just Want to Be Happy Quotes

If you want to fill your heart with happiness, here are some I just want to be happy quotes to motivate you and inspire you during the time of sadness. It is obvious that everyone just wants to be happy in life. But people often don’t find happiness because they seek big things in life rather than being satisfied with what they have. It is not a bad thing to seek more, you must do it, but you should learn how to do it by staying happy with what you have because few people don’t even have half of what we do.


Inspirational I Just Want to Be Happy Quotes

Happiness is the key to life. No matter what you do or where you go in life, if you find happiness, you will succeed in the game of life.

I just want to be happy quotes


Like everyone, I just want to be happy too. I want to explore the world, dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and live like there is no tomorrow.

quotes on I just want to be happy


Sometimes, the circle of life scares me. There is sadness after a happy day and a happy day after a sad one. But what if we got sad forever? I just want to be happy.

I want to be happy quotes


When you die, happy moments are what you will remember rather than your struggles. So, I want to create as many happy memories as I can.


I want to find happiness in all the small things that I do because small things are what make significant changes and lead you to a good life.


It is not that difficult to live the life that you want. Find happiness in small things, be happy in what you have rather than what you want. And that is what makes your life a better one.


A shelter, some good food, clothes to wear, and a family to share it with is enough to make me happy. I don’t need luxurious things to make me happy.

best quotes on I just want to be happy


When you learn to be okay with what you have, you learn how to be happy. Happiness comes from small things, and staying worried is just a waste of time.


The feeling of happiness amazes me. It’s so overwhelming how you can find happiness in everything you do. I just want to be happy.


At times, I don’t know what I am doing with my life. But thinking about how I am not giving up makes me happy. And that is all that matters.


If life isn’t made for happiness, what is it made for? So, enjoy your drink, dance until 3 in the morning, and party like nothing else matters. You have one life; enjoy it being happy.

I just want to be happy quotes


Happiness comes from anything and everything, from small things to big, from your favorite ice-cream to your baby’s first step. The world is full of it; you just need to know where to find it.


Never keep someone else’s happiness on top of yours. That is not how life works. Know your worth, value yourself, and do things that make you happy.


The details of life are important because one day when you will close your eyes, those little details will take you to the world of happiness. It’ll be fantastic if you start noticing them from now.

I want to be happy quotes


When you lay on your death bed, nothing can stop you from dying. So, I want to be happy while I live, so happy that I will be dying with all the pleasant memories, even if I know I am dying.


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I Just Want to Be Happy Again Quotes


Just as the sun is always accompanied by the moon, where there is happiness, there is sadness. But we need to realize that is how life works rather than being unhappy for the bad times.

I just want to be happy again quotes


Seek happiness and spread a little happiness wherever you go. You will not only be happy yourself but make others happy as well. Stay happy!


So many people fail to live a happy life by getting sad for the smallest reasons. Try being happy for the smallest reasons instead and see where you will reach.


“Die with memories not dreams,” they said. So be happy, live your life the way you want because happy memories are the ones you would want to remember.


Don’t be hopeless towards life just because it is trying to bring you down. Smile instead, and show life your happiness because that is your most incredible power.

I want to be happy again quotes


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